Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  When and How to Use the Go Channel

Go’s concise structure and powerful native library enable us to hit the ground running easily. It is more efficient than Java or Python when implementing the same functions, especially its concurrent programming, which is very handy and widely admired due to its goroutine and channel. goroutine and channel has much to dig into, and let’s start with channel, which I used to consider narrowly as a message queue to transfer data between gorouti...

   GOLANG,CONTEXT,CHANNEL     2022-09-17 23:06:36

  Deep Understanding of ReentrantLock: Unlocking the Mysteries of Java Concurrent Programming

ReentrantLock introduction ReentrantLock is a class in the Java concurrent package, java.util.concurrent.locks, and is an implementation of the Lock interface. As its name suggests, it is a reentrant mutual exclusion lock. A mutual exclusion lock is a synchronization tool used to protect shared resources, ensuring that only one thread can access the resource at a given time. Reentrant means that a thread can acquire the same lock multiple times without causing a deadlock. This lock provides some...


  8 Things To Love & Hate About Outsourcing Employees

What is the dirtiest word in business? Chances are that the word ‘outsourcing’ comes to mind. Many Americans despise it, many business owners shy away from it and many entrepreneurs depend on it. Regardless of what side of the issue you are on, it is important to know that it exists and will continue to exist. Why? Because there are a lot of things to love about outsourcing.As a business owner and tech entrepreneur who exists in a hyper-competitive market, I have used outsourcing to...

   Employee,Outsourcing,Merits,Disadvantage     2011-11-12 10:16:13

  Check if query string variable exists ASP.NET C#/VB

One of the problems I encountered when I started programming ASP.NET websites was to do with the Request.QueryString function. The first projects I was worked on were built with VB.NET and I used the following code to check the existence of a query string variable:VB.NET Codeview plaincopy to clipboardprint?If Request.QueryString("[VARIABLE]") <> Nothing Then        'CODE HERE  End If  This code check...

   ASP.NET,Query string,Request,Empty,NULL,Check     2011-11-05 15:29:50

  Introducing LocalDB, an improved SQL Express

Updated 2011-11-28: Added reference to the walkthrough of using LocalDB in Visual Studio 2010 and to the new LocalDB Installer. Updated 2011-11-02: Added reference to .NET Framework 4 support for LocalDB in the Q&A section. Introduction It gives me great pleasure to introduce a new version of SQL Express called SQL Express LocalDB. LocalDB is created specifically for developers. It is very easy to install and requires no management, yet it offers the same T-SQL language, programming surfac...

   LocalDB,Microsoft,SQL Express     2012-03-31 00:13:43

  Tricks with Direct Memory Access in Java

Java was initially designed as a safe managed environment. Nevertheless, Java HotSpot VM contains a “backdoor” that provides a number of low-level operations to manipulate memory and threads directly. This backdoor – sun.misc.Unsafe â€“ is widely used by JDK itself in packages like java.nio or java.util.concurrent. It is hard to imagine a Java developer that uses this backdoor in any regular development because this API is extremely dangerous...

   Java,Directly memory access,Tricks,JVM     2012-02-13 05:31:19

  JavaScript's Two Zeros

JavaScript has two zeros: -0 and +0. This post explains why that is and where it matters in practice. The signed zero Numbers always need to be encoded to be stored digitally. Why do some encodings have two zeros? As an example, let’s look at encoding integers as 4-digit binary numbers, via the sign-and-magnitude method. There, one uses one bit for the sign (0 if positive, 1 if negative) and the remaining bits for the magnitude (absolute value). Therefore, -2 and +2 are encoded as f...

   JavaScript,zeros     2012-03-24 05:21:49

  Why Every Professional Should Consider Blogging

I often argue that professionals should share their knowledge online via blogging. The catch is that virtually anything worthwhile in life takes time and effort, and blogging is not an exception to this statement. So before committing your energy to such an endeavor, you may rightfully stop and wonder what’s in it for you. Is blogging really worth it? In this article, I briefly illustrate some of the main benefits that directly derive from running a technical blog. 1. Blogging can impr...

   Developer,Blogging,Share knowledge     2012-01-29 04:30:07

  Decision Trees in C#

Decision trees are simple predictive models which map input attributes to a target value using simple conditional rules. Trees are commonly used in problems whose solutions must be readily understandable or explainable by humans, such as in computer-aided diagnostics and credit analysis. Download source code Download sample applications Download the full Accord.NET Framework Introduction Decision Trees give a direct and intuitive way for obtaining the classification of a new instance f...

   C#,Decision tree     2012-03-23 10:00:56

  What have been Facebook’s greatest technical accomplishments?

To maintain a large website which gets billions of requests er day and keeps very fast response speed is not an easy task. Many big companies are trying best to improve user experience by adopting different techniques. There is a question on Quora which asks "What have been Facebook’s greatest technical accomplishments?". There is a person who worked in Facebook before provided an answer which helps us understanding how Facebook handles huge amount of traffic each day. Here is the answer f...

   Facebook, Design, Efficiency     2013-01-15 07:32:07